Here is the feedback that I was provided on my blog posts:
Hey Maddi!
Firstly, I love your website! The minimalistic design and overall simplicity of your site is gorgeous!
When considering whether the final product more important than the design and production process, I really like that you made reference to the 6 stages of the design and production process and that you then explained that there are many different ways to achieve an end goal - referring this back to the example of education really gives the reader a relatable understanding of the topic.
In order to improve this post, an explanation of the 6 stages of design and production process would really help the reader with understanding the process without any prior knowledge and understanding. When researching this same topic, I found that referencing the Australian Curriculum and referring back to an education focal point really made the post flow and gave it more depth. Please see the reference below.
Another suggestion I have us to expand on the ideas that you have references when talking about social media - furthermore you could conduct some research into the impact that social media has had on the design and production process, potentially referring back to the 6 stages of the design and production process.
I hope this helps! Well done with all the work you’ve done so far!
ACARA (2020) The Australian Curriculum: Design and Technologies (F–10). Retrieved from:
Hey Maddi, this is a good post! You have explained in great detail why Twitter is a useful platform and providing a fact around this platform as well. Explaining your own opinion around To Tweet or Not To Tweet was really interesting to read and I believe very beneficial to have your experience and opinion incorporated into your blog. Recommendations would be to definitely add photos, maybe videos, and colours to create a more engaging post. An idea could also be to incorporate further detail around what a PLN is and how is it useful to educators as well. This website called ‘The Educator’s Guide to Twitter’ can help in explaining how useful Twitter can be for teachers with a PLN and also link back to your resources from the COMM140 Material. Hope this is useful!
Here is the feedback that I provided to others o their blog posts:
Madeleine Widdenson:
Blog post two: To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question!
Well done Madeleine! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post about whether to tweet or not. Personally I do not use twitter on a daily basis let alone post on this platform but your great description of what a professional learning network is has convinced me that I should! I think that your blog had a fantastic layout with really accurate titles to clearly show what each section of the blog was about. Another fantastic thing about your blog was the way you explained what twitter is, what a PLN is and why we should all create a PLN. One recommendation to improve this blog would be to stick to the word limit in order to not let it drag out. Another recommendation would be to have a read of this great article specifically focusing on the positives and negatives of tweeting and the different outcomes if one does or does not tweet. Hopefully its useful :)
‘To Tweet, or Not to Tweet: Gender Differences and Potential Positive and Negative Health Outcomes of Adolescents’ Social Internet Use’
Well done Madeleine!
Maddison Mertz
Madisson Doyle:
Blog post two: Is the final product more important than the design and production process?
Amazing work Maddisson! I really enjoyed reading your blog post about the design and production process. A big stand out for me was the fact that you clearly stated the five stages of the design process with a very clear and accurate definition that will not only expand mine but many others' knowledge of the design process. Another stand out for me was the reflection of the quote that puts the idea out about what is more important: the journey or the destination. Which critically reflects on the question and the design process.
A recommendation could be to put in an example of a design process that your readers would be familiar with, such as the evolution of social media. Some evidence to provide along side this design process can be found in the article ‘From Social Media to Social Product Development: The Impact of Social Media on Co-Creation of Innovation’. Which can be found at
Hopefully this is useful :)
Well done Madisson!
Maddison Mertz