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To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question!

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

I'm sure you are all aware of the continuously growing platform twitter. A social media giant that has been around since 2006 with over 321 proactive users each month. While there are now many other competing social media platforms against twitter it is still a leading media form with over 92% of the US and Australian population being familiar with it (N.Taylor 2020).

Personally, and I’m sure this applies to many others, twitter was always a social media platform I had an account for but never used daily like Facebook and Instagram. This was until I became aware of the endless inspiring and relevant content that is posted. Twitter can be perceived as a mindless space that does not have relevance or benefit to the world when in reality it is the complete opposite. This is because it is a platform that has more professional relationships in it and an audience that is mature and can engage with topics that has relevance and significance to it, unlike other platforms, such as Tik Tok.

To tweet or not to tweet is the question. Personally, I think that you should tweet as there are networks of people that can connect, contrast and share your ideas over a single tweet. This can end up becoming a professional learning network (PLN) which allows individuals to come together from across the globe to facilitate professional development. Having a PLN on twitter has many benefits as it is free, a great way of networking and allowing access to a range of new information and resources. Creating an account, interacting and sharing your ideas to other though twitter is a great way of connecting with others, enhancing your own knowledge or expanding others knowledge. So as long as it is appropriate and beneficial to others and yourself yes, I think that you should tweet!


Toni, Falusi. Australian Catholic University. (2020). COMM140: DIGITAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. "Week 4 lecture".  Accessed from

Nick Taylor (2020) "60 Incredible and Interesting Twitter Stats and Statistics" Brand-watch Accessed:


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Sep 28, 2020

Hey Maddi, this is a good post! You have explained in great detail why Twitter is a useful platform and providing a fact around this platform as well. Explaining your own opinion around To Tweet or Not To Tweet was really interesting to read and I believe very beneficial to have your experience and opinion incorporated into your blog. Recommendations would be to definitely add photos, maybe videos, and colours to create a more engaging post. An idea could also be to incorporate further detail around what a PLN is and how is it useful to educators as well. This website called ‘The Educator’s Guide to Twitter’ can help in explaining how useful Twitter can be for teachers with a…

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